Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Poll Shows Democrats Are Dumber Than Republicans And Independents

Ok, that probably got your attention. Now check this out: the New York Times and CBS published a poll today that suggests such an improbable headline: 79% of self-identified Democrats said they favored allowing "gays and lesbians" to serve openly in the military, but only 43% of the self-same Democrats favored allowing "homosexuals" to serve in the military openly. According to the poll results, Republicans and independents did not have nearly as much trouble deciphering the different terms that the poll contained; their numbers were roughly equivalent, regardless of how the question was worded.



Pernox said...

They also need a poll to determine how many think GLBT stands for 'Guacomole, Lettuce, Bacone, and Tomato Sandwich'. (Which by the way was a fantastic sandwich at the now long gone establishment 'Ruby's' in Loring Park)

Knight of Nothing said...

That sounds like a really good sandwich.

You know, last night, I was thinking "dumber" might not be the right word to describe the Democrats in this poll. Maybe "cowardly" is more appropriate - the word "homosexual" seems to scare them off their conviction that GLBT should have equal rights.

John Gustav-Wrathall said...

My give up

Knight of Nothing said...

Sorry amigo :-(

Pernox said...