Here's what I can't understand: in this election, people who appear on the surface to be good and decent made common cause with literal Nazis and Klansmen in order to elect a racist, plutocratic, authoritarian degenerate. In this task they were abetted by a Russian dictator and his spies.
A fucking tax cut? Because abortion is icky? Hillary had an email server? Because brown people are so scary? I just do not get it. I do not think I will ever be capable of getting it. Might be time to revisit
Viktor Frankl.
inimitable Driftglass, in July:
The Democratic Party held a brilliantly coordinated, four-day political convention.
The Republican Party held a four-day, wingnut Ghost Dance intended to resurrect the Confederacy.
Here's the punchline: it worked.
Long will it be before I can forgive those who collaborated with Trump and his deplorables.